أفضل برنامج VPN مجاني في 2021
في هذا الموضوع نستعرض لكم أحد أفضل برامج ال VPN المجانيه ان لم يكن هو الافضل بينهم، وكذلك نستعرض لكم مميزاته وعيوبه ولماذا تختاره كبرنامج VPN ثابت لك لكي تستخدمه دائما في التصفح وما الى ذلك.
تحدثنا من قبل عن واحد من افضل برامج ال VPN المجانيه والذي كان يستخدم تقنية ال P2P وهو برنامج Urpan VPN ويمكنك معرفة المزيد عن هذا البرنامج من هنا، لكن البرنامج الذي نتحدث عنه اليوم هو برنامج Betternet VPN.
مميزات البرنامج
- صغير الحجم .
- سريع التوصيل بالسيرفر.
- لا يبطئ سرعة الانترنت.
- الفتره المجانيه متجدده يومياً.
- يمكنك الحصول على النسخه الكامله لمدة 7 ايام مجاناً.
- متوفر علي ويندوز و ماك ولينكس وكذلك الاندرويد والأيفون.
عيوب البرنامج
له بعض العيوب البسيطه :
- به فقط 500 ميجا مجانيه ولكنها متجدده كل يوم.
- قد يستغرق وقتاً في الفتح .
- التحديثات لا تحل بعض المشاكل.
الآن يمكنك تحميل البرنامج عبر هذا الرابط :
أزال أحد مشرفي المدونة هذا التعليق.
ردحذفLet's jump straight in..........
interested in working together?
I couldn't help notice that you're linked to https://www.betternet.co/ at your page https://www.tech-mascot.com/2020/12/vpn-2021.html.
I would love to get a new https://www.guru99.com/best-free-vpns-for-windows.html included of ours to your site.
Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:
• Social sharing of your article to our 50k social followers
• You will update the content and we all know Google pushes ranking for updated pages
• You will make me extremely happy
That's it. What do you think?
As a thankyou, I would be glad to share your page with our 41k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers.
I am happy to do Cross-Promotion.
PS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me+1 302 308 5151
ردحذفI want to check if you received my email below.
I just want to ensure my persistent emails are not a harassment. If you want me to stop, do let me know. I will not email again.
================= Original Massage =================
Let's jump straight in..........
interested in working together?
I couldn't help notice that you're linked to https://www.betternet.co/ at your page https://www.tech-mascot.com/2020/12/vpn-2021.html.
I would love to get a new https://www.guru99.com/best-free-vpns-for-windows.html included of ours to your site.
Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:
• Social sharing of your article to our 50k social followers
• You will update the content and we all know Google pushes ranking for updated pages
• You will make me extremely happy
That's it. What do you think?
As a thankyou, I would be glad to share your page with our 41k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers.
I am happy to do Cross-Promotion.
PS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me+1 302 308 5151
ردحذفI've reached out several times but haven't heard back, which tells me one of three things:
1. You’re interested in giving the link back, but haven't had a chance to get back to me yet.
2. You're not interested and want me to stop emailing.
3. You've fallen and can't get up – in that case let me know and I'll call 911.
Can you please reply with 1, 2 or 3? I don't want to be a bother.
Happy to pay for your effort
================= Original Massage =================
Let's jump straight in..........
interested in working together?
I couldn't help notice that you're linked to https://www.betternet.co/ at your page https://www.tech-mascot.com/2020/12/vpn-2021.html.
I would love to get a new https://www.guru99.com/best-free-vpns-for-windows.html included of ours to your site.
Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:
• Social sharing of your article to our 50k social followers
• You will update the content and we all know Google pushes ranking for updated pages
• You will make me extremely happy
That's it. What do you think?
As a thankyou, I would be glad to share your page with our 41k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers.
I am happy to do Cross-Promotion.
PS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me+1 302 308 5151